

1. [Article] Shell Scripting for Beginners – How to Write Bash Scripts in Linux

Introduction to Bash Scripting. It’s important to educate the clueless programmer about what bash scripting is, how to start, and the tools that may be used.

2. [Article] Bash cheat sheet - Top 25 commands and creating custom commands

A list of some commone bash command. It’s important to recognize what commands that would often used perhaps in day-to-day basis.

3. [Article] BASH Programming - 50 sed Command Examples

50 Examples of sed commands usage. It’s important to demonstrate what sed commands are capable of.

4. [Article] Compile C Program With GCC Compiler on Bash

A step-through guide on how to write a C program (using nano) and compile it using gcc. It’s important to know the prerequisite to compile a C program and how to manipulate it using the available tools (nano, vim)

5. [Article] How to Tar A File in Linux Using Command Line

A collection of ordered and guided instruction on how to make a tar file out of a file/directory in linux using the Bash shell. It’s important because there are a lot of command to be used and not so understandable-at-first-sight syntax, so a guide on how to use the commands is really useful.

6. [Article] How To Use GPG to Encrypt and Sign Messages

Introduction and tutorial about how to use the GNU Privacy Guard. It’s relevant to have more knowledege about what GPG is and how to make the most of them to our interest.

7. [Source Code] Source code for The Linux Programming Interface

A page listing the source code used in the book titled “The Linux Programming Interface”. It’s important because we’re learning the linux programming interface.

8. [Video] How Computer Memory Works

A video how a memory concept would work in operating system. It’s important to know how memory technically work in operating system.

9. [Article] What is Shared Memory?

An article about shared memory concept in linux. It’s important for further review about the concept.